HIGH FREQUENCY CABLE ASSEMBLY - Co-axial Cables LEAKY CABLE RF CABLE Antenna RF Components Co-Axial Connectors RF CONNECTOR coaxial jumper cable RF Adapters HIGH FREQ TEST CABLES COAXIAL ADEPTER Optical Fibre Products OPTICAL SPLITTERS Interface converters LAN extenders BTS and IBS installation material Feeder Clamp, Earthing kit, Weather proofing kits Calibration kit, PSU GPS TOOLS TEST EQUIPMENT SPLITER COMBINER Co-axial Cables LEAKY CABLE RF CABLE Antenna RF Components Co-Axial Connectors RF CONNECTOR coaxial jumper cable RF Adapters HIGH FREQ TEST CABLES COAXIAL ADEPTER Optical Fibre Products OPTICAL SPLITTERS Interface converters LAN extenders BTS and IBS installation material Feeder Clamp, Earthing kit, Weather proofing kits Calibration kit, PSU GPS TOOLS TEST EQUIPMENT SPLITER COMBINER RF Cable Jumper Cable High Freq Cable FAKRA CONNECTOR ;5 G PRODUCT; SFP TRANSRECIVER ;Helical Antenna ;HF AND VHF ANTENNA FME CONNECTOR Patanjali_Solar_Products High Frequency Termination TETRA BAND PRODUCTS Cable Assembly SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM ELCOM SOLAR PRODUCT; surveiliance tools; TELESCOPIC MAST COMBINER ; MX PRODUCT; Amplifier and combiner RF Coupler Roxtec Comseal BTS VoIP Phone RF Adaptor Krone High Frequency Adpator UY Connector Andrew cutter; RF Attenuator High Freq Attenuator Solar Product RF Connector BMA CONNECTOR BNC CONNECTOR BQ CONNECTOR C4 CONNECTOR C CONNECTOR ; CRC9 CONNECTOR DIN CONNECTOR 4.3 - 1.0 CONNECTOR F TYPE CONNECTOR HN CONNECTOR KMX3 CONNECTOR L9 CONNECTOR M4 CONNECTOR MCX CONNECTOR ; MMCX CONNECTOR N TYPE CONNECTOR QMA CONNECTOR QN CONECTOR SAA CONNECTOR SMA CONNECTOR; SMB CONNECTOR SMC CONNECTOR SMP CONNECTOR SMZ CONNECTOR ; SSMB CONNECTOR TNC CONNECTOR TRIAXIAL CONNECTOE TQ CONNECTOR UHF CONNECTOR High Freq Connector; 1.85mm Connector ; 2.4mm Connector 2.92mm Connectors 3.5mm Connector; CIRCULAR CONNECTOR All Connector Catalogue Antenna ; Horn Antenna Balun Beryllium Copper Bias Tee Broadcast Air Gap Cables Catalogue Cable Lugs Cable Tie Network Connector DC/Power Cable DC Block DC TO DC CONVERTER Diplexer Dummy load EMI/EMC Shielding Product ENVIRONMENTAL CHAMBER Feeder Clamp Feed Thru Flange Connector GPS/GPS Module ; High Frequency Product Hoisting Grip IBS Product Instalation Kit Microwave Component MILGRADE CABLE Optical Fiber Products ; Proskit Toolkits Protective Cap Rechargeble Battery RF Switch Shield Box ; Splitter Shrinkable Tube Surge Arrester TELECOMMUNICATION MAST ; Test & Measurement Equipment Tools WAVEGUIDE ADAPTOR Waveguide Flange Waveguide component 5G Horn Antennas All Types Of RF Antenna High Frequency Product Catalouge High Frequency Product Catalouge 2nd High Frequency Test Cable Assemblies MM Wave & Microwave Components MM Wave & Microwave Components 2nd RF Products Broucher RF Products Catalouge RF Products Catalouge 2nd RF Products Catalouge 2021 RF Products Catalouge 2021 2nd SYNERGY TELECOM PVT LTD NEW CATALOUGE (Bl Version) Patch Panel Antenna Omni Antenna LPDA Antenna GSM Whip & Magnetic Base Antenna GPS Indoor & Outdoor Antenna Yagi Antenna HF VHF UHF Defence Required Antenna Microwave Horn Antenna RG Cable Feeder And Leaky Cable HLF & LMR Series Cable High Frequency Test Cable Assembly Jumper Cable SMA Connector N Connector DIN Connector TNC Connector BNC Connector UHF Connector High Frequency Connector Other Connector Fixed Attenuator & Variable Attenuator Dummy Load & Termination Power Splitter Cavity and Microstrip Coupler & Combiners Duplexer_Triplexer_Quadplexer RF Coaxial Adaptor Rigid & Flexible Waveguide RF Shield Box Test & Measurement Equipment Tools Solar Products Surge Arrestor Weather Proofing Kits Feeder Clamp Earthing Kit Telecom Antenna Mast Cirlculator & Isolator SFP Stock List 1 SFP Stock List 2 RF Filter RF Balun DEAR SIR, We are one of the INDIAN manufacturing CO. of all types of Antenna, Jumper, Low PIM test cables, IBS and DAS PRODUCTS, MW COMP, Att, Dumy loads, DC block, Splitter, Duplexer, Couplers, Combiners, RF connector, RF Co-axial Cable, TELECOM tools, GPRS, RFID , IOT, and 5G products for Smart city. WE R VERGY STONG IN DEVELOPING OF ANY KIND OF ANTENNA, WE R INTERESTED IN SUPPLY OUR PRODUCTS IN YR ORGANISATION. PLS CONFIRM YR ENQ. PL confirm if any enquiry across, PL confirm whether we can do some business together in near future. PL stay at home and be safe yr self and yr family. We also keep the stock of all kind of RF connectors, RF Cables, RF cable assemblies and microwave components in huge qty TO PROVIDE UNDER ONE SHOP SOLUTION. We are biggest stockiest of RF components in India. WE HAVE FACILITES OF REPAIR THE TEST EQUIP. ALSO. BR/Pradeep Agrawal Director, Synergy Telecom P Ltd. M+91-7217885948, pradeep@rfconnector.in ; Catalogue – https://rfconnector.in/Product/RF_Products_Catalouge_2021_2nd.pdf https://s.docworkspace.com/d/ADYenm2495cqgcmhmrudFA?from=share https://www.rfconnector.in/catalog/Microwave_components/Attenuator/Synergy_Price_List_2021_Updated.pdf https://g.page/rfconnectorhouse/review?nr 4 Videos https://youtu.be/Dpl17TGsFcY , http://rfconnectorhouse.com/services.html https://youtu.be/sFtBq_IB_oo https://youtu.be/keXjA2kfc7A https://youtu.be/jxl4NdLOwus https://youtu.be/I8_e_UH5ZJw comscope connectorisation ½”, 7/8” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JdHM2Ar1TEl-z5MiYPOYNAGHtZGtC98e/view?usp=sharing high freq conn banner https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nzkjHlySOJnV7-u58dq85NwqhrfnzyTS/view?usp=sharing adeptor banner https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vsFJdlhcmTQ1WLumpQCKya2TprfLgicn sma connector Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1W7HOksiWE5SASuegARwAOg8bRLHoxvJ1 TNC CONNECTOR Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11gCWfECYypQAzMFEHZiUHLJd6o9S9xAk UHF CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AuHa-bMFnl-x7883F0EOazdBWoL4nIfR N CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1M1uDMhl35tIwHv-FB_MdneDnti-w54Qr BNC CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SdoFrEcrhMWcqJru2yChc3b0yEmgzljL DIN CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14S3DOh0YTtin-L9vZvGVTo0P4yrAnGIA?usp=sharing RF CABLES image https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JuFqXTgq5H-0GrqcnZ8ez9tgRFaMB4BN/view?usp=sharing rf cable banner https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1b5GNhhouDhLQCbIn_0W-8j3iqaucOqht?usp=sharing ANTENNA image https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EoFzCafGWDMPTQN8wlExB3OGFn24Vcut/view?usp=sharing antenna banner https://drive.google.com/file/d/16f6jLpRh3Bj6ATWIiPXK9NQ__N5qPykG/view?usp=sharing banner high freq cable assemblies https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10AzjgH0eVGVMHP4cEZy2ahVzIzXDIjUs?usp=sharing certificates https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rrHqoezbRtW3RqOkEY-iUJ6R6GgDU8TV?usp=sharing image attenuators https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fc53ldUQWAr2rxDzHqY9FugyuRkeFlB8?usp=sharing image all mixed connectors https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12HVTw6WhobaQo5WfFdQSqPw7H3jViweM?usp=sharing image spliters https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lLhlc3l9XcObGbD73JzJtAXw6YY9aTlK/view?usp=sharing video of synergy https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oBYqkQi8oqNp88IZQfuBe7QpmBtWaWT3?usp=sharing certificates https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1URqHWX02YfBRedYb0eKSXjuwI9gJ-oiS?usp=sharing drdo RF Cable https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_cable RF Connector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_connector RF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/antenna HF VHF UHF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/hf_and_vhf_antenna Horn Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/horn_antenna RF Adaptor https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_adaptor RF Couper https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_coupler RF Attenuator https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_attenuator RF Cable Assembly https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/cable_assembly RF Combiner https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/combiner RF Balun https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/balun Bias Tee https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/bias_tee DC Block https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dc_block Diplexer https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/diplexer Dumy Load https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dumy_load Feeder Clamp https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/feeder_clamp EIA Flange Connector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/flange_connector IBS Components https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/ibs_product Microwaves Components https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/microwave_component RF Switch https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_switch RF Shield Box https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/shield_box RF Power Splitter https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/splitter RF Surge Arrestor/Surge Protector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/surge_arrester Test & Measurement Equipment https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/test__measurement_equipment Telecommunication Mast https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/telecommunication_mast Tools https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/tools solar products www.rfconnector.in/product_showroom/solar_product Waveguide Adaptors https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/waveguide_adaptor Waveguide Flange https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/waveguide_flange Waveguide Components https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/waveguide_component Telescopic Antenna Mast https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/telescopic_mast https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M8oafvw1Z6iFqXhj_PZk4f8hm1kgxA9-/view?usp=sharing -connector catalog https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/proskit_toolkits Synergy Telecom P Ltd. BR/ Navneet Sharma/ M: 7289051518. Email: navneet@rfconnector.in High Freq Cable https://www.rfconnector.in/product_showroom/high_freq_cable RF Connector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_connector RF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/antenna HF VHF UHF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/hf_and_vhf_antenna RF Adaptor https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_adaptor RF Couper https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_coupler RF Attenuator https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_attenuator RF Cable Assembly https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/cable_assembly RF Combiner https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/combiner DC Block https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dc_block Diplexer https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/diplexer Dumy Load https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dumy_load Feeder Clamp https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/feeder_clamp RF Power Splitter https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/splitter Test & Measurement Equipment https://www.rfconnector.in/product_showroom/test__measurement_equipment
INR 250
Co-axial Cables LEAKY CABLE RF CABLE Antenna RF Components Co-Axial Connectors RF CONNECTOR coaxial jumper cable RF Adapters HIGH FREQ TEST CABLES COAXIAL ADEPTER Optical Fibre Products OPTICAL SPLITTERS Interface converters LAN extenders BTS and IBS installation material Feeder Clamp, Earthing kit, Weather proofing kits Calibration kit, PSU GPS TOOLS TEST EQUIPMENT SPLITER COMBINER Co-axial Cables LEAKY CABLE RF CABLE Antenna RF Components Co-Axial Connectors RF CONNECTOR coaxial jumper cable RF Adapters HIGH FREQ TEST CABLES COAXIAL ADEPTER Optical Fibre Products OPTICAL SPLITTERS Interface converters LAN extenders BTS and IBS installation material Feeder Clamp, Earthing kit, Weather proofing kits Calibration kit, PSU GPS TOOLS TEST EQUIPMENT SPLITER COMBINER RF Cable Jumper Cable High Freq Cable FAKRA CONNECTOR ;5 G PRODUCT; SFP TRANSRECIVER ;Helical Antenna ;HF AND VHF ANTENNA FME CONNECTOR Patanjali_Solar_Products High Frequency Termination TETRA BAND PRODUCTS Cable Assembly SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM ELCOM SOLAR PRODUCT; surveiliance tools; TELESCOPIC MAST COMBINER ; MX PRODUCT; Amplifier and combiner RF Coupler Roxtec Comseal BTS VoIP Phone RF Adaptor Krone High Frequency Adpator UY Connector Andrew cutter; RF Attenuator High Freq Attenuator Solar Product RF Connector BMA CONNECTOR BNC CONNECTOR BQ CONNECTOR C4 CONNECTOR C CONNECTOR ; CRC9 CONNECTOR DIN CONNECTOR 4.3 - 1.0 CONNECTOR F TYPE CONNECTOR HN CONNECTOR KMX3 CONNECTOR L9 CONNECTOR M4 CONNECTOR MCX CONNECTOR ; MMCX CONNECTOR N TYPE CONNECTOR QMA CONNECTOR QN CONECTOR SAA CONNECTOR SMA CONNECTOR; SMB CONNECTOR SMC CONNECTOR SMP CONNECTOR SMZ CONNECTOR ; SSMB CONNECTOR TNC CONNECTOR TRIAXIAL CONNECTOE TQ CONNECTOR UHF CONNECTOR High Freq Connector; 1.85mm Connector ; 2.4mm Connector 2.92mm Connectors 3.5mm Connector; CIRCULAR CONNECTOR All Connector Catalogue Antenna ; Horn Antenna Balun Beryllium Copper Bias Tee Broadcast Air Gap Cables Catalogue Cable Lugs Cable Tie Network Connector DC/Power Cable DC Block DC TO DC CONVERTER Diplexer Dummy load EMI/EMC Shielding Product ENVIRONMENTAL CHAMBER Feeder Clamp Feed Thru Flange Connector GPS/GPS Module ; High Frequency Product Hoisting Grip IBS Product Instalation Kit Microwave Component MILGRADE CABLE Optical Fiber Products ; Proskit Toolkits Protective Cap Rechargeble Battery RF Switch Shield Box ; Splitter Shrinkable Tube Surge Arrester TELECOMMUNICATION MAST ; Test & Measurement Equipment Tools WAVEGUIDE ADAPTOR Waveguide Flange Waveguide component 5G Horn Antennas All Types Of RF Antenna High Frequency Product Catalouge High Frequency Product Catalouge 2nd High Frequency Test Cable Assemblies MM Wave & Microwave Components MM Wave & Microwave Components 2nd RF Products Broucher RF Products Catalouge RF Products Catalouge 2nd RF Products Catalouge 2021 RF Products Catalouge 2021 2nd SYNERGY TELECOM PVT LTD NEW CATALOUGE (Bl Version) Patch Panel Antenna Omni Antenna LPDA Antenna GSM Whip & Magnetic Base Antenna GPS Indoor & Outdoor Antenna Yagi Antenna HF VHF UHF Defence Required Antenna Microwave Horn Antenna RG Cable Feeder And Leaky Cable HLF & LMR Series Cable High Frequency Test Cable Assembly Jumper Cable SMA Connector N Connector DIN Connector TNC Connector BNC Connector UHF Connector High Frequency Connector Other Connector Fixed Attenuator & Variable Attenuator Dummy Load & Termination Power Splitter Cavity and Microstrip Coupler & Combiners Duplexer_Triplexer_Quadplexer RF Coaxial Adaptor Rigid & Flexible Waveguide RF Shield Box Test & Measurement Equipment Tools Solar Products Surge Arrestor Weather Proofing Kits Feeder Clamp Earthing Kit Telecom Antenna Mast Cirlculator & Isolator SFP Stock List 1 SFP Stock List 2 RF Filter RF Balun DEAR SIR, We are one of the INDIAN manufacturing CO. of all types of Antenna, Jumper, Low PIM test cables, IBS and DAS PRODUCTS, MW COMP, Att, Dumy loads, DC block, Splitter, Duplexer, Couplers, Combiners, RF connector, RF Co-axial Cable, TELECOM tools, GPRS, RFID , IOT, and 5G products for Smart city. WE R VERGY STONG IN DEVELOPING OF ANY KIND OF ANTENNA, WE R INTERESTED IN SUPPLY OUR PRODUCTS IN YR ORGANISATION. PLS CONFIRM YR ENQ. PL confirm if any enquiry across, PL confirm whether we can do some business together in near future. PL stay at home and be safe yr self and yr family. We also keep the stock of all kind of RF connectors, RF Cables, RF cable assemblies and microwave components in huge qty TO PROVIDE UNDER ONE SHOP SOLUTION. We are biggest stockiest of RF components in India. WE HAVE FACILITES OF REPAIR THE TEST EQUIP. ALSO. BR/Pradeep Agrawal Director, Synergy Telecom P Ltd. M+91-7217885948, pradeep@rfconnector.in ; Catalogue – https://rfconnector.in/Product/RF_Products_Catalouge_2021_2nd.pdf https://s.docworkspace.com/d/ADYenm2495cqgcmhmrudFA?from=share https://www.rfconnector.in/catalog/Microwave_components/Attenuator/Synergy_Price_List_2021_Updated.pdf https://g.page/rfconnectorhouse/review?nr 4 Videos https://youtu.be/Dpl17TGsFcY , http://rfconnectorhouse.com/services.html https://youtu.be/sFtBq_IB_oo https://youtu.be/keXjA2kfc7A https://youtu.be/jxl4NdLOwus https://youtu.be/I8_e_UH5ZJw comscope connectorisation ½”, 7/8” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JdHM2Ar1TEl-z5MiYPOYNAGHtZGtC98e/view?usp=sharing high freq conn banner https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nzkjHlySOJnV7-u58dq85NwqhrfnzyTS/view?usp=sharing adeptor banner https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vsFJdlhcmTQ1WLumpQCKya2TprfLgicn sma connector Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1W7HOksiWE5SASuegARwAOg8bRLHoxvJ1 TNC CONNECTOR Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11gCWfECYypQAzMFEHZiUHLJd6o9S9xAk UHF CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AuHa-bMFnl-x7883F0EOazdBWoL4nIfR N CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1M1uDMhl35tIwHv-FB_MdneDnti-w54Qr BNC CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SdoFrEcrhMWcqJru2yChc3b0yEmgzljL DIN CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14S3DOh0YTtin-L9vZvGVTo0P4yrAnGIA?usp=sharing RF CABLES image https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JuFqXTgq5H-0GrqcnZ8ez9tgRFaMB4BN/view?usp=sharing rf cable banner https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1b5GNhhouDhLQCbIn_0W-8j3iqaucOqht?usp=sharing ANTENNA image https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EoFzCafGWDMPTQN8wlExB3OGFn24Vcut/view?usp=sharing antenna banner https://drive.google.com/file/d/16f6jLpRh3Bj6ATWIiPXK9NQ__N5qPykG/view?usp=sharing banner high freq cable assemblies https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10AzjgH0eVGVMHP4cEZy2ahVzIzXDIjUs?usp=sharing certificates https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rrHqoezbRtW3RqOkEY-iUJ6R6GgDU8TV?usp=sharing image attenuators https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fc53ldUQWAr2rxDzHqY9FugyuRkeFlB8?usp=sharing image all mixed connectors https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12HVTw6WhobaQo5WfFdQSqPw7H3jViweM?usp=sharing image spliters https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lLhlc3l9XcObGbD73JzJtAXw6YY9aTlK/view?usp=sharing video of synergy https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oBYqkQi8oqNp88IZQfuBe7QpmBtWaWT3?usp=sharing certificates https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1URqHWX02YfBRedYb0eKSXjuwI9gJ-oiS?usp=sharing drdo RF Cable https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_cable RF Connector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_connector RF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/antenna HF VHF UHF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/hf_and_vhf_antenna Horn Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/horn_antenna RF Adaptor https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_adaptor RF Couper https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_coupler RF Attenuator https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_attenuator RF Cable Assembly https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/cable_assembly RF Combiner https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/combiner RF Balun https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/balun Bias Tee https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/bias_tee DC Block https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dc_block Diplexer https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/diplexer Dumy Load https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dumy_load Feeder Clamp https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/feeder_clamp EIA Flange Connector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/flange_connector IBS Components https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/ibs_product Microwaves Components https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/microwave_component RF Switch https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_switch RF Shield Box https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/shield_box RF Power Splitter https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/splitter RF Surge Arrestor/Surge Protector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/surge_arrester Test & Measurement Equipment https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/test__measurement_equipment Telecommunication Mast https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/telecommunication_mast Tools https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/tools solar products www.rfconnector.in/product_showroom/solar_product Waveguide Adaptors https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/waveguide_adaptor Waveguide Flange https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/waveguide_flange Waveguide Components https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/waveguide_component Telescopic Antenna Mast https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/telescopic_mast https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M8oafvw1Z6iFqXhj_PZk4f8hm1kgxA9-/view?usp=sharing -connector catalog https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/proskit_toolkits Synergy Telecom P Ltd. BR/ Navneet Sharma/ M: 7289051518. Email: navneet@rfconnector.in High Freq Cable https://www.rfconnector.in/product_showroom/high_freq_cable RF Connector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_connector RF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/antenna HF VHF UHF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/hf_and_vhf_antenna RF Adaptor https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_adaptor RF Couper https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_coupler RF Attenuator https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_attenuator RF Cable Assembly https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/cable_assembly RF Combiner https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/combiner DC Block https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dc_block Diplexer https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/diplexer Dumy Load https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dumy_load Feeder Clamp https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/feeder_clamp RF Power Splitter https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/splitter Test & Measurement Equipment https://www.rfconnector.in/product_showroom/test__measurement_equipment
Other Specifications
Co-axial Cables LEAKY CABLE RF CABLE Antenna RF Components Co-Axial Connectors RF CONNECTOR coaxial jumper cable RF Adapters HIGH FREQ TEST CABLES COAXIAL ADEPTER Optical Fibre Products OPTICAL SPLITTERS Interface converters LAN extenders BTS and IBS installation material Feeder Clamp, Earthing kit, Weather proofing kits Calibration kit, PSU GPS TOOLS TEST EQUIPMENT SPLITER COMBINER Co-axial Cables LEAKY CABLE RF CABLE Antenna RF Components Co-Axial Connectors RF CONNECTOR coaxial jumper cable RF Adapters HIGH FREQ TEST CABLES COAXIAL ADEPTER Optical Fibre Products OPTICAL SPLITTERS Interface converters LAN extenders BTS and IBS installation material Feeder Clamp, Earthing kit, Weather proofing kits Calibration kit, PSU GPS TOOLS TEST EQUIPMENT SPLITER COMBINER RF Cable Jumper Cable High Freq Cable FAKRA CONNECTOR ;5 G PRODUCT; SFP TRANSRECIVER ;Helical Antenna ;HF AND VHF ANTENNA FME CONNECTOR Patanjali_Solar_Products High Frequency Termination TETRA BAND PRODUCTS Cable Assembly SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM ELCOM SOLAR PRODUCT; surveiliance tools; TELESCOPIC MAST COMBINER ; MX PRODUCT; Amplifier and combiner RF Coupler Roxtec Comseal BTS VoIP Phone RF Adaptor Krone High Frequency Adpator UY Connector Andrew cutter; RF Attenuator High Freq Attenuator Solar Product RF Connector BMA CONNECTOR BNC CONNECTOR BQ CONNECTOR C4 CONNECTOR C CONNECTOR ; CRC9 CONNECTOR DIN CONNECTOR 4.3 - 1.0 CONNECTOR F TYPE CONNECTOR HN CONNECTOR KMX3 CONNECTOR L9 CONNECTOR M4 CONNECTOR MCX CONNECTOR ; MMCX CONNECTOR N TYPE CONNECTOR QMA CONNECTOR QN CONECTOR SAA CONNECTOR SMA CONNECTOR; SMB CONNECTOR SMC CONNECTOR SMP CONNECTOR SMZ CONNECTOR ; SSMB CONNECTOR TNC CONNECTOR TRIAXIAL CONNECTOE TQ CONNECTOR UHF CONNECTOR High Freq Connector; 1.85mm Connector ; 2.4mm Connector 2.92mm Connectors 3.5mm Connector; CIRCULAR CONNECTOR All Connector Catalogue Antenna ; Horn Antenna Balun Beryllium Copper Bias Tee Broadcast Air Gap Cables Catalogue Cable Lugs Cable Tie Network Connector DC/Power Cable DC Block DC TO DC CONVERTER Diplexer Dummy load EMI/EMC Shielding Product ENVIRONMENTAL CHAMBER Feeder Clamp Feed Thru Flange Connector GPS/GPS Module ; High Frequency Product Hoisting Grip IBS Product Instalation Kit Microwave Component MILGRADE CABLE Optical Fiber Products ; Proskit Toolkits Protective Cap Rechargeble Battery RF Switch Shield Box ; Splitter Shrinkable Tube Surge Arrester TELECOMMUNICATION MAST ; Test & Measurement Equipment Tools WAVEGUIDE ADAPTOR Waveguide Flange Waveguide component 5G Horn Antennas All Types Of RF Antenna High Frequency Product Catalouge High Frequency Product Catalouge 2nd High Frequency Test Cable Assemblies MM Wave & Microwave Components MM Wave & Microwave Components 2nd RF Products Broucher RF Products Catalouge RF Products Catalouge 2nd RF Products Catalouge 2021 RF Products Catalouge 2021 2nd SYNERGY TELECOM PVT LTD NEW CATALOUGE (Bl Version) Patch Panel Antenna Omni Antenna LPDA Antenna GSM Whip & Magnetic Base Antenna GPS Indoor & Outdoor Antenna Yagi Antenna HF VHF UHF Defence Required Antenna Microwave Horn Antenna RG Cable Feeder And Leaky Cable HLF & LMR Series Cable High Frequency Test Cable Assembly Jumper Cable SMA Connector N Connector DIN Connector TNC Connector BNC Connector UHF Connector High Frequency Connector Other Connector Fixed Attenuator & Variable Attenuator Dummy Load & Termination Power Splitter Cavity and Microstrip Coupler & Combiners Duplexer_Triplexer_Quadplexer RF Coaxial Adaptor Rigid & Flexible Waveguide RF Shield Box Test & Measurement Equipment Tools Solar Products Surge Arrestor Weather Proofing Kits Feeder Clamp Earthing Kit Telecom Antenna Mast Cirlculator & Isolator SFP Stock List 1 SFP Stock List 2 RF Filter RF Balun DEAR SIR, We are one of the INDIAN manufacturing CO. of all types of Antenna, Jumper, Low PIM test cables, IBS and DAS PRODUCTS, MW COMP, Att, Dumy loads, DC block, Splitter, Duplexer, Couplers, Combiners, RF connector, RF Co-axial Cable, TELECOM tools, GPRS, RFID , IOT, and 5G products for Smart city. WE R VERGY STONG IN DEVELOPING OF ANY KIND OF ANTENNA, WE R INTERESTED IN SUPPLY OUR PRODUCTS IN YR ORGANISATION. PLS CONFIRM YR ENQ. PL confirm if any enquiry across, PL confirm whether we can do some business together in near future. PL stay at home and be safe yr self and yr family. We also keep the stock of all kind of RF connectors, RF Cables, RF cable assemblies and microwave components in huge qty TO PROVIDE UNDER ONE SHOP SOLUTION. We are biggest stockiest of RF components in India. WE HAVE FACILITES OF REPAIR THE TEST EQUIP. ALSO. BR/Pradeep Agrawal Director, Synergy Telecom P Ltd. M+91-7217885948, pradeep@rfconnector.in ; Catalogue – https://rfconnector.in/Product/RF_Products_Catalouge_2021_2nd.pdf https://s.docworkspace.com/d/ADYenm2495cqgcmhmrudFA?from=share https://www.rfconnector.in/catalog/Microwave_components/Attenuator/Synergy_Price_List_2021_Updated.pdf https://g.page/rfconnectorhouse/review?nr 4 Videos https://youtu.be/Dpl17TGsFcY , http://rfconnectorhouse.com/services.html https://youtu.be/sFtBq_IB_oo https://youtu.be/keXjA2kfc7A https://youtu.be/jxl4NdLOwus https://youtu.be/I8_e_UH5ZJw comscope connectorisation ½”, 7/8” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JdHM2Ar1TEl-z5MiYPOYNAGHtZGtC98e/view?usp=sharing high freq conn banner https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nzkjHlySOJnV7-u58dq85NwqhrfnzyTS/view?usp=sharing adeptor banner https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vsFJdlhcmTQ1WLumpQCKya2TprfLgicn sma connector Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1W7HOksiWE5SASuegARwAOg8bRLHoxvJ1 TNC CONNECTOR Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11gCWfECYypQAzMFEHZiUHLJd6o9S9xAk UHF CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AuHa-bMFnl-x7883F0EOazdBWoL4nIfR N CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1M1uDMhl35tIwHv-FB_MdneDnti-w54Qr BNC CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SdoFrEcrhMWcqJru2yChc3b0yEmgzljL DIN CONN Images https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14S3DOh0YTtin-L9vZvGVTo0P4yrAnGIA?usp=sharing RF CABLES image https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JuFqXTgq5H-0GrqcnZ8ez9tgRFaMB4BN/view?usp=sharing rf cable banner https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1b5GNhhouDhLQCbIn_0W-8j3iqaucOqht?usp=sharing ANTENNA image https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EoFzCafGWDMPTQN8wlExB3OGFn24Vcut/view?usp=sharing antenna banner https://drive.google.com/file/d/16f6jLpRh3Bj6ATWIiPXK9NQ__N5qPykG/view?usp=sharing banner high freq cable assemblies https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10AzjgH0eVGVMHP4cEZy2ahVzIzXDIjUs?usp=sharing certificates https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rrHqoezbRtW3RqOkEY-iUJ6R6GgDU8TV?usp=sharing image attenuators https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fc53ldUQWAr2rxDzHqY9FugyuRkeFlB8?usp=sharing image all mixed connectors https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12HVTw6WhobaQo5WfFdQSqPw7H3jViweM?usp=sharing image spliters https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lLhlc3l9XcObGbD73JzJtAXw6YY9aTlK/view?usp=sharing video of synergy https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oBYqkQi8oqNp88IZQfuBe7QpmBtWaWT3?usp=sharing certificates https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1URqHWX02YfBRedYb0eKSXjuwI9gJ-oiS?usp=sharing drdo RF Cable https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_cable RF Connector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_connector RF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/antenna HF VHF UHF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/hf_and_vhf_antenna Horn Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/horn_antenna RF Adaptor https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_adaptor RF Couper https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_coupler RF Attenuator https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_attenuator RF Cable Assembly https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/cable_assembly RF Combiner https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/combiner RF Balun https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/balun Bias Tee https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/bias_tee DC Block https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dc_block Diplexer https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/diplexer Dumy Load https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dumy_load Feeder Clamp https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/feeder_clamp EIA Flange Connector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/flange_connector IBS Components https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/ibs_product Microwaves Components https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/microwave_component RF Switch https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_switch RF Shield Box https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/shield_box RF Power Splitter https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/splitter RF Surge Arrestor/Surge Protector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/surge_arrester Test & Measurement Equipment https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/test__measurement_equipment Telecommunication Mast https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/telecommunication_mast Tools https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/tools solar products www.rfconnector.in/product_showroom/solar_product Waveguide Adaptors https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/waveguide_adaptor Waveguide Flange https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/waveguide_flange Waveguide Components https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/waveguide_component Telescopic Antenna Mast https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/telescopic_mast https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M8oafvw1Z6iFqXhj_PZk4f8hm1kgxA9-/view?usp=sharing -connector catalog https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/proskit_toolkits Synergy Telecom P Ltd. BR/ Navneet Sharma/ M: 7289051518. Email: navneet@rfconnector.in High Freq Cable https://www.rfconnector.in/product_showroom/high_freq_cable RF Connector https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_connector RF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/antenna HF VHF UHF Antenna https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/hf_and_vhf_antenna RF Adaptor https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_adaptor RF Couper https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_coupler RF Attenuator https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/rf_attenuator RF Cable Assembly https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/cable_assembly RF Combiner https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/combiner DC Block https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dc_block Diplexer https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/diplexer Dumy Load https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/dumy_load Feeder Clamp https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/feeder_clamp RF Power Splitter https://rfconnector.in/product_showroom/splitter Test & Measurement Equipment https://www.rfconnector.in/product_showroom/test__measurement_equipment : |