Dipole Antenna (2-30 Mhz)

INR 3,850



The BDP sereis HF broadband antennas are designed to permit efficient operation without the use of a tuner.The broadband characteristics of the antenna are acheived without the use of esistive loading, simplifying the ovarall antenna construction. Two bolted aluminium towers support the alumoweld radiating antenna dipole element ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency Range 2 - 30 MHz. Gain 5 dBi Bandwidth 8 MHz Polarization Horizontal Input Impedance 50 Ohms unbalanced power rating 200 Watt Vertical Beam-width –Half Power Points 55 Degrees Directive gain 5 dBi. VSWR 2.5:1 or less length 250 feet Width 150 feet Wind survival rating 200 Km/Hr. Height 80 feet

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